Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A Cute Winter Activity!

Free Winter Bookmarks for your readers or print some for yourself!
 One of my favorite activities for winter now in my store is called
The Mr. Snowman story is read or sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday". This fun, educational activity is good practice using color and position words. Parts of the body and clothing items are also reviewed.  
Once created by you, this 15-page book contains a different verse on each page. Additionally, it includes all the pieces for a 2-foot snowman, plus a worksheet for a child's drawing activity.
  I also used the snowman pieces as patterns to trace on flannel to create a flannel board Mr. Snowman.
Children so enjoy the singing and reading of this story, plus creating Mr. Snowman with all his pieces and parts. The littlest learners love to have the story read or sung to them while they make Mr. Snowman!
So even if you have snow or don't have snow, now your children can make a man with a very big heart!  
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